Monday, February 18, 2008


Every time I get back in the groove of things, I'm hit with another health issue! This has been going on since last August now.... I'm getting pretty frustrated and angry at the situation. I know this one is not a huge issue but still.

I've had my first week of 5 running days with a total of 27 miles and I was doing pretty well working on my thesis too. I had a 12h night of sleep on Saturday but just tought it was from exhaustion not getting sick! And this morning at 3:30AM, I started coughing and a sore throat woke me up. Now, I can't get back to sleep.... grrr and its a Holiday, I could have slept in! Sooooo mad!

I blame it all on the stupid weather we've been having, -20 °C one day and +10 °C the other. No wonder we're all screwed up!!! Anyway end of my rant right here... I'm drinking hot lemon tea right now and gobbing lots of cold and sinus medecine... hopefully I won't get it too too bad!

Total miles for the week-end:
Saturday 11 miles @ 11:20 min/mile
Sunday 3.1 miles @ 10:52 min/mile

Happy Family Day everyone! (I wish my family was here)


TNTcoach Ken said...

Ha, it’s karma! You shouldn’t talk about us old people……. Sorry to hear you’re sick (again). I know what you mean about this crappy weather, I’m ready for a break. Just get well and you’ll be back in no time.

Arcane said...

Sorry to hear you've come down with something again.

That's why I've been relunctant to run outside since I'm worried about getting sick again. Even when I"m at the gym, I've even gotten to the point where I will wipe down the treadmill with disinfectant before the run just to make sure there aren't any nasty virus hanging around.

Marcy said...

Uggghhh I'm sorry chica! I feel the same way this winter. It seems like every time I turn around I'm sick . . .again. Bleck! Here's to a speedy recovery. Pop some Airborne or something ;-)

Pokey said...

It is totally the season for the ICKS, that is for sure. Here's to a QUICKIE recovery for you!

And Zicam DOES work wonders.....

David Rodriguez Roures said...

Sonia have to be patient, things are sometimes not as you want, and that we must accept and continue to fight, to take care now and the days that you are better to keep running, I hope you recover soon and can continue to coach, a greeting .

yumke said...

Get well Sonia. Lots of racing to do this year..

Marky Mark said...

It's the time of year for maintenance. Do't slip and fall and listen to your body. You can ramp up in a couple of months.

Sonia said...

Thanks everyone, I guess my immune system sucks right now and I gotta listen to my body once again. Unfortunately, I have to re-think the Chilly half on March 2nd... =(