Sunday, February 10, 2008


-30 °C with windchill
60 km/h wind

3.1 miles
37:05 min

So, tough or crazy? You tell me!!!


Anonymous said...

I say tough! You go girl! Your run was similar to my run here in Calgary this morning. Shows guts and fortitude!

Marcy said...

My vote is for tough! Man, I don't go out in anything less than 20 degrees (I think that's like -6 in Celsius)

Laurel said...

both ;)

Arcane said...

yeah, a bit of both. It's way too cold out there.

Nancy said...


Way tough, though

TNTcoach Ken said...

Madam Chair, the people from the great state of Michigan cast their vote for ‘crazy’! I got on the bike in the basement but I am older and wiser…….

yumke said...

I just say you're a runner. That should describe you pretty well :)

Michelle said...


I would have opted for a hot chocolate and a crackling fire. ;-)

Runner Leana said...

-30 with windchill? I hate walking outside for short distances when it is -20! You are one dedicated runner! Good job.

Sonia said...

haha I can live with being crazy & tough. Like Kenny said, I guess I am just a Runner =)