Wednesday, January 03, 2007


My legs are tired, they can't keep up... I ran 3 miles Saturday and Monday, 7 miles on Sunday and 3.5 miles on Tuesday. So today I was attempting run number 5 in 5 days and my legs didn't want to do it. I ended up cutting short on the speedwork, I ran only 4X 500m at 5K speed instead of 7 times. I ran 15 mins before so I think I gave a good effort so I'm not disappointed in myself !! I will only have to run 3 mile on Saturday with a 3 days break. This break will be great and just in time to give a tour of Montreal to my newfie =)

I went to see the Montreal Canadiens at the Bell Centre yesterday and took the time to give a big hug to Youppi. For those of you who do not know him, he's the only mascot in the world to have represented 2 sports teams in major-national leagues. He was the old Expos's mascot and when they moved the team to the States poor old Youppi was jobless so they recycled him as the Montreal Canadiens mascot. They gave him a new red hairdo and he was ready to be a Montreal supporter! =)

I'll be away for a few days so I hope everyone has some good running time!


Born To Endure said...

Wow..look at you!! Glad you had fun!!

Anonymous said...

I always wondered what happend to him when the expos moved. you gotta be careful running 5 days straight. Let your body recover a bit, it'll make you stronger in the end.

Sonia said...

Thanks for the advice Arcaner, I realised afterwards that it was a little bit too crazy to want to avoid a rest day.... so I won't be doing that in the future!

As for Youppi he seems pretty happy with his new job!!