Monday, January 29, 2007


Now, that I have so much free time on my hands, I've decided to register for the Forest City Marathon in May. I think this will be the best way to focus my energy while going through this break-up. All these emotions can keep going towards something positive like running =) YAY! I am very excited to run another marathon!


Anonymous said...

Que de courage, que de détermination... Lâche pas!

Arcane said...

Hey Sonia.
I haven't quite decided yet which marathon. It'll either be Forest City or Mississauga. I see you've signed up for Forest City so I might end up joining you. It really depends on how much I can improve.

Good luck with your training!

Taunya said...

I totally agree with you. Running is one of the best ways to cope with relationship problems and sorting out the aftermath.

Hang in there and let us know how you're doing.

Forest City marathon looks very pretty. I'm looking for a 1/2 marathon to sign up for to run in May.....

Sonia said...

Merci Suzanne de venir m'écrire c'est vraiment gentil!

Arcaner I hope you do the London marathon, although if you want to BQ Mississauga might be better, heard there are a lot of hills in London!

Runningby I hope you feel better with your problem, mine is still a daily struggle... but we ran a marathon, we're strong women, right?
well I'd like to think I am!