Sunday, December 03, 2006


I haven't been posting much lately because my 2 runs a week are not that exciting! I was trying to get back at long runs on the week-ends since the marathon (Oct 15!!) and always backed-out at Mile 7... For some reason I thought I was out of shape and lost all my fitness... but on a 6h night of sleep with an outside temperature of -2 oC and a wind from HELL (30 km/h). I decided to suck it up and stop trying to find excuses and go for a 10 mile run.

First 5 miles were a breeze, wind was at my back (52:52) but when I switched directions it was painful... let's say I didn't stay near the water for long where the wind was blowing directly in my face. I finished the remaining 5 miles in a less scenic place but buildings are a great shield against nasty wind (55:47)!! I'm overall very satisfied with this run, nothing hurt (knee or legs) and it felt great to be back there for so long. An improvement of 8 mins since my last 10m in training this past summer (1h55).

After reading all about people putting up their Christmas tree, I finally put mine up, I believe Rocky really enjoys the colorful lights (fiber optic one!) That also answers Marty'S question about the size of the pooch... small!!

Now, I really gotta get back at this studying business..... Happy Running everybody! =)


Anonymous said...

Nice job on the run and the tree. Has your dog stayed out of it so far? Max has been doing a nice job not eating ornaments for once in his life. I'm starting to think maybe he's turning a corner and maturing...but now that I've written that, he'll totally be bad tomorrow.

Arcane said...

nice going with the improvement. Cute little pudgy dog.

Justin said...

Hey, this is a delayed response but thanks for checking out my blog! Detroit was my first marathon and I really enjoyed's really flat (the only big hill is the Ambassador Bridge) so it's not too tough. There were lots of people helping out and cheering us on too. I'm actually thinking of doing it again next year, maybe I'll see you out there.

Liv said...

Great run!