Saturday, December 06, 2008

I'M ALIVE ....

Survived the whole stomach bug, now feeling like a cold is coming my way. One day I will train again, I swear ;-)

I went to my local bike shop to get my bike tube fixes, now I know the proper way and will not let my Dad touch that again! I still have no clue how to clean my chain though... but I will go on the trainer this week-end, clean chain or not!

A while ago, I had a post where I was talking about my running 10 years ago. I mention that I participated in a few races when I was 13 and 14 years old.

I finally found the picture of the 5K I did in 1994 at the Quebec cross country on Ile Ste-Helene. And yes, you see right, I was wearing a cotton pink floyd t-shirt with thick cotton shorts to run this event LOL Now that is running in s-t-y-l-e .... let's just say coolmax wasn't common then!

I'm going to be pretty busy this week-end. My good friends from Halifax are coming to Montreal fot a 15h layover tomorrow (well today!) and we're going to hang out until I drive them to the airport at 4AM on Sunday.

Then on Sunday night, I am preparing my Dad a surprise birthday dinner! Lots, lots of yummy food to make!
Have a good week-end everybody =)


Unknown said...

Talk to the bike shop guys about cleanign your chain. They will set you up with what you need to clean and lube it and give some instructions. That's how I learned!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

glad you're over the flu, hope you don't get a cold... they must be good friends if you're driving them to the airport at 4am! LOL Have fun.

Minken said...

Simplest way to clean a chain is as follows:
1. While pedaling the chain around spritz some degreasing in one location as the chain passes under.
2. Take a old towel, one that will be permanently designated to this task, and hold in one place around the chain as you continue pedaling
3. Apply some lube as you continue pedaling the chain
4. Take a dry towel and wipe excess lube as you continue pedaling the chain around.
5. Voila, c'est finir.

Bonne Chance!

J~Mom said...

Cute picture!! I didn't even know a thing about technical fabrics until I started running two years ago.

BeachRunner said...

What a cutey. Hope you feel better.

Laurel said...

LOL! I LOVE your running getup. I think you and I would have been great pals back then. Come to think of it, I think I saw Pink Floyd in concert in 94. Haha. Of course, I was in college by then...

Happy birthday to your daddy!

Alexandra said...

Look at you in that get up! You are looking pretty cool!

So nice that you get to spend some time with your friends from Halifax. You will have a lot to pack in, in such a short time.

Hope you don't get that cold that's going around. I think I caught it here in blogland!

Marci said...

Hi Sonia,
Cute running pic, even if it would cause chafing!! LOL.
I left you a message previously on your blog to send me an e-mail (still haven't gotten an e-mail from you and I don't have your e-mail). So please e-mail me at

FLYERS26 said...

Funny pic.
Hope you feel better, so you can get out and run.

As for Lindros. He was a rock star here, until his parents became too overbearing. His Dad would call Clarke, and offer trades & line combos.
When he had his collapsed lung, his parents said the Flyers tried to kill him, by making him fly, and that was the end of him here.
They are trying to mend fences a bit, they invited Eric to the last game at the Spectrum, back in Sept, he declined, but did send a video message.

yumke said...

Awesome picture. I didn't know you were a floyd fan!

Trishie said...

Great, great running picture... so glad you are feeling better :)

Iron H said...

I listen to Floyd when I run but never thought of wearing the shirt. Will have to try that. Great picture!!

Unknown said...

I love the pic!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

lol, in response to your comment... i'm in Toronto, so we're the ones that send the weather to you :)