Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I had my 2nd cortisone injection yesterday. The radiologist ended up teaching me that heel spur and platar fasciitis are the same issue. I thought they were different. So, he could only inject the cortisone at the same place where they had done it last time.... The pain I have is near the edge of the heel so I was kinda depressed when he told me he couldn't inject there...

He basically told me, there was 2 injection spots on the foot and he could only reproduce what happened last time. And he was not very confident it was going to solve my problem and I should do a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instead... I ended up :'( very frustrated by the doctor who told me I ONLY had PF and not heel spur... It's hard to know who to believe... And I was not sure if I should proceed with the injection or just wait for another test...

After a brief talk to my Dad, I decided to go for it and hope for the best but still asked to be referred in NMR... 1 month with NO running... ouch and then BASE BUILDING just like BeachRunner for awhile... That also means no stupid stunt (Detroit half and Miami marathon are way too close).

Ok, so last week was Marcy's first marathon and I sent her this e-card. I was really hoping she wouldn't go there. ;-)

Looks like someone else did!!! LMAO This is so GROSS!! So, would you have ended the race or hide in the bushes?????


Marcy said...

Ooooohhh Sonia I'm sorry about the foot. Geez, I hope SOMEONE knows what they're talking about and gets you on the path to recovery.

I LOVED that pic (the ecard not the other one. GROSS! LOL). Freekin hilarious! In fact I printed it out and put it in my front Belt pocket during the race for a "just in case you need some humor" token HAHAA

Megan Hall said...

OMG I may never run again.

Sorry to hear about the foot. Hang in there!

Laurel said...

The best part about the pic of the guy shitting himself is the look of pure disgust on everyone's face behind him. Classic!

That stinks about the foot. I hope it heals up soon.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Well at least you won't try and pull any stunts. I won't be in town for the Freep, which really sucks. Going to Virginia for a wedding and indulge in mass quantities of adult BEvERages.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hate that you have to go through this stuff with your foot! I wish someone could make it go away. Just today on my run I had a pain in my foot and for a few minutes thought....well, no soma for me. Luckily, it got better. But, as someone who understands the foot drama, I wish you the best for recovery :-)

OMG - that picture...I'm speechless. Well, not really. I've come close to that happening on some long runs!!

Marci said...

OMG... THAT PICTURE.... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! ROFLMAO. His face says it all. This sucks s**t!! It should have a caption, what not to do during a marathon. I hope he was going for cash, still, man!

Sorry about your PF. That sounds painful, definately take it easy.

Kelodie said...

Ça doit être vraiment frustrant tes problèmes de pied! Grrrr. Je ne pense pas que tu as besoin de ça maintenant. Courage!

La photo... dégueulasse. Carrément dégueulasse.

Taunya said...

that pic totally won't load on my iPhone! I think that's a good thing! Good luck with the corto shots!

Steve Stenzel said...

God I love that photo...


BeachRunner said...

EWWWWW!!!!!! Sorry about the foot. Hopefully this puts you closer to a plan for recovery.

yumke said...

That photo is pretty gross. he must of really wanted to finish that race..

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I'm very interesting in finding out how that injection works out. I may have to consider it at some point in the future. Crossing my fingers for you!

Michelle said...

Oh geez. I could have gone forever without seeing that pic. ICK!!!

Thank goodness I am not an elite runner and will stop for the bathroom when needed!!

Sonia said...

Thanks everyone, I have been resting my foot and when I press hard with my finger where it use to hurt. It doesn't right now.... that looks like a good thing LOL

Poopy pants is so gross!

Bert said...

Yikes what a disaster for that guy. I felt like that once after having too much cassoulet the previous night... Found a port-a-pottie just in the nick of time..