That totally reminded me of you and your pregnant pic!!! LOL

What an amazing performance by Tomescu-Dita in the women's marathon! And the sprint for the silver by Ndereba! WOW! Simply amazing =) Kudos to Radcliffe who had been hurting for a while for finishing. When she stopped to stretch and seem to want to cry, I knew exactly how she was feeling! Well except I've never run a 2h30 marathon lol
Any given day you can have a bad day. Be careful on that speedy bike!
Amazing to watch. It's like they used to say on the old Wide World of Sports show - "The Agony and The Ecstacy"
Yeah, that was quite the race.. amazing..
I was thinking the same thing about Paula. Good God if I could only run that fast while 1) taking a good chunk of time off from running and 2) Hurting. Dang!
The women's marathon was so inspiring. I can't imagine running that fast...ever!
You know, it's all relative! Even though our times may not be in the 2:30 category, the experiences are just as mental and physical for us! I agree with you on knowing how Paula must have felt!
Only your family thinks you are insane! Not a single runner does though, we were all glued to the TV!
These are all truly inspiring women!
The women's marathon was amazing...not because it was close but because I kept saying "no way....she's gone out too fast."
I couldn't believe she held the pace! Then the sprint to the end (for Silver) was pretty darn impressive!
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