Thursday, May 15, 2008

RACE REPORT: 10 on the 10th

Better later than never... I've been pretty bad at blogging lately, this is mostly due to sharing a slow computer with my dad here. And the fact that we can't seem to make the router work!

When I woke up on Saturday, I was eager to go for a 10K and push the Dr's limit of 5K... In the end, I didn'T think it really mattered as my 5K limit was until today! What is a 5 days difference? ;-)

So, I ran 10K and it was AWESOME (chip time: 1:10:40)! On shorter runs you don't have much time to think and reflect. It was great to being back in this peaceful place I love so much, the roads in my head. And bonus: one runner said Bonjour to me =)

So that's my race report! I have news on my foot issues and what is the next step in this problem but no time to write about it. I have my first job interview for Health Canada tomorrow!!! WISH ME LUCK!!
p-s Thanks Nancy for being such a great RD! And you don't need to add me to your post, I'll be the runner who lost its chip and miraculously find it in the trash! LOL


TNTcoach Ken said...

Glad you disobeyed the doctor, what do they know? Don’t believe anybody that doesn’t use their real name, what does BMI know about your body type? Good luck with the interview.

Marcy said...

AWESOME job chica!

And GOOD LUCK with that interview. I can't wait to hear how it went ;D

Arcane said...

Good luck with your interview tomorrow.

anners said...

Hi Sonia! My first visit to your blog! I hope your interview went well!

Runner Leana said...

Hope the interview went well!

Marky Mark said...

You've got to run along the Lachine Canal if you havne't done so yet. You park (or take the Metro to) the Atwater Market and either run east to Old Montreal or west towards the west island. It's very peaceful. And when you return to the Atwater Market there is great stuff to buy inside!