Monday, April 21, 2008


As happy as I am to be done my Ph.D. leaving Windsor is a really emotional and hard time. I am leaving behind a lot of people I truly enjoy working with (my boss was truly the BEST) and friends who are like family (Flashy and her BF were a support system for me here....).

It was my last day at work today, lots of tears were shed by me and others friends. It’s hard to see you desk empty after 5 years at the same place, you get comfortable and things feel like "home".

Now, going back to my real hometown, Montreal, for an indeterminate period of time, until I hear from the dozen of jobs I applied to and take some time to relax. It’s been a real stressful time in the last few months for me. So, I will be looking for some down time. Maybe a trip to the beach… Who know?!

One thing I don’t really want to talk about but I will… is the state of my foot. It’s really bad, hurts me all the time now and I’m having pain when I walk…. I guess going back home is a good thing as I will be taking care of this seriously.

Cheers to running pain free one day (soon I hope...)


Marcy said...

I didn't realize your actual home was Montreal! DOH! That would probably explain why you speak French, right? :P (I'm a moron sometimes HAHAHAHA)

It's understandable to feel that way. I get attached to things/places too :-)

TNTcoach Ken said...

Windsor will never be the same. Did you cash out your tab at Danny’s? Now you can root for you Habs against my Red Wings.

Arcane said...

it's always tough leaving anyplace. Back to Montreal! Hope those hab fans are a little better behaved once you get back! Sorry about the foot. Did ART help you any? Heal soon.

Taunya said...

Change is scary! Give yourself some time to adjust.

Congrats on your PHD!

Sonia said...

Ken: hahaha I left my tab unpaid! ;-) If you could stop by and do that for me that'll be great lol

Fran: I did ART on my foot from November through now and didn't see any major improvement so I'm stopping now... well my decision was helped with the end of my coverage from Green Shield!