Sunday, May 27, 2007


Toenail loss!!!! hahaha I feel silly just writing about how proud I am to be losing a toenail! But I really feel like the hardcore marathoner right now! It never turned black, it just hurt a lot and then started to "peel"... it's hanging by a side right now... will probably lose it very soon... ok, I will save you all the gross details (and will not include pics!).

More to come on my awesome trip to Vancouver... I definitely fell in love with the city and the green surroundings! =)


Amanda said...

Sonia my dear,

That sounds absolutely disgusting! But I totally get that you feel like a hardcore marathoner now!

Congrats on your new deformity!

Laurel said...

HA! Mine never actually fell off and instead of turning black it turned white. I eventually had to cut it way low and now it grows in at an angle. That is the joy of running a Half Marathon in a torrential downpour.

Arcane said...

Welcome to the club! I'm still waiting for 3 of mine to fall off. No sandals for me this summer.

yumke said...

... I have one that's going black... .. maybe we all need new shoes..

TNTcoach Ken said...

Just go for a quick swim and viola!! Like Fran said, welcome.

Sonia said...

I lost it! It's gone!!

Laurel! The exact same thing happened, it turned white. I had no clue what was going on, and then it fallen and there was another smaller toenail fully grown underneath!

Ken: thanks for stopping by my blog! I might see you in Detroit in October