I have come to this! One post per month... oh well, better than leaving the blogosphere altogether!!
I copied Lisa and ordered the exact same cycling jersey she had bought! I felt like a copycat but her being in New Mexico I knew we wouldn't be seen together wearing them... ;-) She had requested a picture so here it is:
1- Tour du Lac Brome 5K -21 June 2009
Like I mentionned in my last post, I offered the 5K race registration as a gift to my Dad for father's day and told him we would run it together. He has been running for a year now and I'm really proud of him for keeping up with his 3 runs a week. His previous PB was 41:10 at the Miami Tropical 5K. It rained a little bit a the beginning but we had a mostly dry race. The weather was perfect for a PB! And PB he did! We finished in 39:18 and he worked hard for it, the course was a lot hillier than what we're use to in the East side of Montreal. It was great to push him on the course and have him meet his goal. My Dad rocks!!
2- Not since Moses 10K -28 June 2009
This is by far the weirdest and most awesome adventure race you can do!! We run at the bottom of the seawall when the tide goes away in the Bay of Fundy. It's a mix of sand, mud, knee high water, rocks running. Very hard to do but very fun! I was even attacked by a lobster and a blue lobster nonetheless! Those are pretty rare and I couldn't believe I'd seen one =)
This is by far the weirdest and most awesome adventure race you can do!! We run at the bottom of the seawall when the tide goes away in the Bay of Fundy. It's a mix of sand, mud, knee high water, rocks running. Very hard to do but very fun! I was even attacked by a lobster and a blue lobster nonetheless! Those are pretty rare and I couldn't believe I'd seen one =)

3- St-Lambert Sprint Triathlon -18 July 2009
I was pretty nervous heading into the race because I haven’t gone to the pool often in the last few months and I knew it was going to be hard. When I left the house it was pouring rain and dark, suppose to thunder shower... Surprise surprise at the race site: it's sunny and warm!! My cheering squad could have come afterall.... oops didn't have sunscreen...
Swim 750m -18:37 (including T1)
Very satisfied with my swim, I passed 2 swimmers in my lane and hold on to the lead swimmer. 30 laps went by really fast. This swim was only 30 sec slower than at my last tri (Esprit).
Bike 22K -42:49 (including T2 of 2:17)
We had to do 6 loops and I remember messing up at my first sprint tri so I kept repeating which loop I was on…. It did feel a little OCD. LOL Garmin tells me I had a speed of 30 km/h on the bike which I’m very proud of! All that cycling commute is definitely paying off. =)
Run 5K -36:21
The run was hard, I maintained an 11:21 pace, not the 10:30 I wanted but I couldn't go faster. I'm sort of disappointed in my run but it was 30°C and the sun really hit hard on me. I didn't let this bring my mental down when I saw I was slowing down, I always tried to pick the pace up a little.
So overall, I'm happy with how I raced and going to try and do better at Valleyfield! I was burnt on my shoulder and face and felt sick most of the afternoon and night... never forget that sunscreen even if it rains! Lesson learned...

Congrats on all the awesome races! You've been busy!
You're looking great, by the way!
Great job with your racing. That Not since Moses seems interesting.
And of course I LOVE the jersey - and it looks great on you! How do you like it?!
Congrats on your races, i'm so inspired by your tri, since I'm just getting into it, but loving the training so far! Well done!!
Wow that's lots of racing! Well done! The muddy run looks like great fun!!
It sounds like you've been busy! Congratulations on your races - nicely done! For sure that cycling commute is paying off!!!
that's awesome-no way I could do that!
Woohoo! Bravo pour toutes ces courses. C'est une super photo de toi sur ton vélo, tu as l'air d'une pro. :-)
great job, rock star !
HIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! :-) I know, it's been awhile. I'm still trying to catch up on your posts that I've missed. But dang, girl, sounds like you are rocking it!! I need to catch up! And also congrats on the weight loss -- that is truly amazing!! Sounds like things are going really well. Can't wait to read more! :-)
Loved all three of your race reports !!! I was intrigued especially with the one that you did the "Not Since Moses 10K" race. What a sight to see a blue lobster !
Just found your blog -- looking forward to following your running journey -- keep up the great work! :-) HAPPY EASTER!
! The muddy run looks like great fun!!
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You've been very busy...great job! Love the shirt too.
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